Our Premium Services give customization to the Practice Management processes that are directly linked to providing advanced Medical Billing services.
Analytics Platform
- Robust reports on denial reasons, paid amounts, contractual write-offs, insurance allowables to name a few.
- Gain knowledge on percentages of clean claims versus claims that are reworked and resubmitted.
EOB Conversion Services/ EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)/ ERA (Electronic Remittance Advices)
- Improves cash flow by obtaining funds faster
- Improves turnaround time
- Decreases posting errors
Robust Denial Management
- Utilizing information from electronic remittances allows for quicker resolution on denied claims.
- Reports can be utilized to improve processes and reduce denials.
Mobile Charge Capture Solution
- On the go charge capture that integrates with the practice management system for faster input and billing
Lockbox Services
- A solution that gives two separate lockboxes. One for patient payments and one for insurance payments.
- Integrates with the practice management system for automated posting.
- Improves turnaround time between money received and payments posted.
- The practice eliminates the management of preparing a deposit and taking the funds to the financial institution of choice.
Practice Management Solution with an EMR compatible product
- Utilizing Integration and interfaces between products to make processes efficient and seamless.
Patient Portal
- Allows the practice staff, patient and billing office to run transactions real time.
- Patients can pay from the comfort of their home.
- Practice staff can run a transactions for a check or credit card real time and determine the funds are available before the patient leaves the office.
- Billing office staff can run the credit cards over the phone real time and post daily to the patients account for adjudication.
- Not only a portal to run credit cards but a portal that becomes a communication tool between physician and patient.
Upgrade the Medical Billing Experience
A summary of premium services and how they benefit your practice:
- Robust Denial Management Tools for quicker resolution of denied claims
- EOB to ERA Tools allow us to convert your outdated Explanation of Benefits forms to Electronic Remittance Advices to improve cash flow
- Lockbox Services to better track patient and insurance payments
- Patient Portal facilitates real-time transactions
- Analytics Platform to help manage cash flow